Monday, April 20, 2009

Who protects our men?

I've been reading the news casts, blog articles, and general knowledge forums for as long as I remember now, and I've noticed a rather disturbing trend. In cases of infidelity, or where the woman was the victimizer, I see a general lack of concern for the man involved. In fact, I see a general lack of concern for men overall in dealings of domestic inconveniences, even in cases where the man has clearly been the victim. As a man, I find that frightening.

I chanced to read an article today that was about a teacher involved in an affair that turned deadly for the two students with whom she cheated on (one stabbed the other), and it led me to a series of crimes similar to (or worse than this one) all perpetrated by women in authoritative positions. What shocked me was that most of these women were actually married (some even having children!) when they did these things. I don't even want to ask them why. Nothing could excuse that sort of thing.

In all the cases I've seen, the focus seems almost always to be on the woman and her emotional issues or the state and consequent fate of the child involved. Nothing is even mentioned about the mental, emotional, or other state of the man who got shortchanged in this manner! It sickens me to my stomach, because if the roles were reversed you would still hear about how the woman must have been torn apart and she would probably be on Oprah or another talk show and the whole world would have something to say about that wicked man. The man is also a victim in these cases but nothing is said about it. Now I don't believe that you shouldn't hear about the woman but I believe in equality and fair play. I just get this sinking notion that I live in a society that ultimately doesn't care about me or value me because I belong to the 'hated' gender. the laws of most countries nowadays are women and children biased to the point that even if a man is within his rights in a legal matter he can still be subjugated (in the paternity fraud cases for instance).

Doesn't anyone see or care about this obviously wrong situation?! Does a man have any legal, moral, or any form of worth for that matter anymore? What choices are presented to me should I choose to marry in this day and age? Is it even safe to do so anymore? I'm scared beyond belief, because of the system, and the woman of today's questionable morals. Claiming that women were first oppressed is not an excuse to hurt innocent men who have done nothing wrong! I cannot stand for it, and will not countenance it, because 90% of the time the men who are wronged in this fashion, are actually good husbands and fathers! I cannot understand that statistic! Equally I cannot understand what can possess a human being to wilfully be uncaring to another to the point of hurting and totally disregarding that person when the person is fullfilling their function in the family unit! Especially if the person is actually meeting emotional needs of the cheater! What sickness is this?! To selfishly excuse it as sin, and turn a blind eye, is to countenance it and accept it. We have to stop this nastiness!

There are websites that speak out against this evil, and most of the men on them have some serious horror stories of their own, but something needs to be done very fast. We are losing our good men to wickedness and no one is lifting a finger to help! God? Will you?