Thursday, August 20, 2009

Seven Quizzes

1. Why are there so many articles, found on major, influential websites with a "howto" section, that talk about how to go on a job interview, how to not get fired, and generally how to conduct oneself within an existing company, but not many (if any at all), about how to, from the ground up, start a business and detail every step so that that business can be as successful as theirs?

2. Why does the only television station in the U.S., that caters to the ethnic group called African-Americans, not only does not have anything constructive on it (like programs about how to farm, sew, cook, or successfully run a clean, decent business), but is the leading export of a destructive culture that hurts not only them, but all other ethnic groups? Why is it that the only "industry" this television channel really promotes is the entertainment industry? Why does their version of the entertainment industry immortalize a culture that African-American communities can do without?

3. Why don't African-Americans, and those African descendants who follow suit (Jamaicans, etc.), stop likening their music to fighting with weapons, sexing each others' women, getting "high" without a care about anything else around them and many other very destructive behaviors? Why have most of these "entertainers" stopped looking further down the road in their music and thoughts and started "enjoying the moment"?

4. Why, among these people, does the ratio of those sing truthfully about issues that really plague humanity (lying, theft, immorality, inefficiency, wastage, and general uncleanliness and selfishness), or the ratio of material about such issues, seem so tiny compared to the deluge of material glorifying these very attitudes and attributes of society?

5. Why are the schools that have their curriculum focused on training people to work at a company more numerous than those that have a curriculum focused on training people to start and own a company?

6. Why is there always an unfair balance of treatment of different groups everywhere; It's either women are trodden underfoot or placed in too elevated a position without proper qualification. Either Children are abused to death or they're allowed to "run the house" til they run it amok and later destroy the parents and themselves. Either homosexuals are "beaten into submission" and "forced" to change, or they're allowed to "dictate" to the church how it must run the institution of marriage that it invented. Either animals are treated as though their existence was unnecessary or their level of importance is placed higher than that of people. Why is this?

7. Why does the church feel that in order to "reach the disenchanted youth of the world" it must lower its standards to that of the world; how does the world's teachings and sophistries come into the teaching of the gospel when light and dark cannot and will not mix? From whence come teachings of self esteem (and friends), the "energy within", yin and yang, and all other pagan related material, mixed up in the teachings of the one who told His people to be separate from these things? Why can't the church wake up and see that the world doesn't really like it and hence it cannot "blend in" with the world? Why can't Christians see that by declaration they already make themselves stand out starkly from everyone else, and that they should endeavor to make that distinction even more stark?